Multimedia Treats and Other Links

In the spring of 2017, I had an amazing discussion about self-directed education and how I put myself on the writer's path years and years ago. I'm joining my former colleague Wade Arave, an amazing college recruiter. He's since moved on to the Oregon School of Arts and Crafts, which makes me sad and jealous. Wade's podcast is available on iTunes. His website is

In October of 2016, I joined The Protagonist for a special Halloween Night show in which we pitched fantasy television and film ideas for five monsters: Bigfoot, La Llorona, the Jersey Devil, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Chupacabra. What a blast, and I really liked my Loch Ness idea. It would make a great Netflix miniseries.

In this episode I joined the Protagonist to make comic recommendations. Years ago I taught a course in visual narratives, and it was tough to find enough "literary" comic/comix to round out a syllabus. As this podcast shows, we're in a jubilee time for comics and graphic novels.

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Once again joining the Protagonist for Halloween hi-jinx. This time we construct our own Mt. Rushmore of fear. Something isn't right inside our otherwise normal-seeming heads.

The Protagonist crew and I take a deep dive into one of the most interesting Batman stories of all time, the Scott Snyder/Greg Capullo run of Batman from 2012.

Build your own super team from characters currently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Yes, please. This was super-nerdy and completely fun and perhaps one of the clearest insights into how my mind has worked since I was a child.